Topaz Denoise AI on sale

In the last week review already i pointed out that the denoise tool from Topaz is avaialble at a reduced price til the end of the week.


Topaz Denoise AI on saleTo simplify things we could state that the usage of higher ISO settings leads to more noise in the image. The amount of noise in the image depends on the ISO settinmgs, sensor size and a little on the motive. If you use higher ISO settings on a regular base like for example ISO 1.600 and higher denoising is part of the image processing.

In my article about  DxO Photolab i stated that this app includes a pretty good denoise tool, at least in the Elite version which is better than denoising in Lightroom. Another tool might be  Topaz Denoise AI, which i took a look at for the features and because of the reduced price or arround  60,– $.

I did a video on this :


Denoise AI is available for  Windows and Mac and according to the system requirements you need a dedicated grpahic card. While for Photoshop CC the tool is integrated into Photoshop Lightroom Classic users have to manually setup Denoise AI.

Topaz Denoise AI on sale

In the Lightroom preferences Denoise AI has to be defined as an external editor. This is pretty easy but i would prefer a regular export plugin. The selected RAW file is converted to a 16 Bit tiff file and handled over to Denoise AI.


There are not too many controls in the software which can alter the results of the automatic mode.

Topaz Denoise AI on saleThere is a split view before/after and a fullscreen view for the original and the processed image. The automatic update function should be deactivated because this renders an update every time you walk thru different parts of the image.

After the result fits your expectation you just have to save the image for reimport into Lightroom Claissc. Topaz Denoise AI on saleRendering the final image takes quite a while even on AMD Ryzen system with 32 GB of installed RAM.

But on the other hand the results are pretty impressive. I usually don’t use higher ISO settings but sometimes you have to even if you know that thew result is not that good. Even an image captured with my older Lumix G6 at ISO 3.200 turns out into a usable result.

Topaz Denoise AI on sale


Topaz Denoise AI renders pretty good results even in the automatic mode. And this is why i think the 60,– $ is a good price for the software. I realized only one bug and that is in the split view when you move the image it sometimes happens the preview staing black.

ciao tuxoche

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