Last week review 01-2021

Last week review 01-2021 and the weather is rather too warm 😉

Last week review 01-2021First, I wish my readers all the best for the year 2021 and hope that you have come well into the New Year, despite Corona. And there you are already at the keyword, if you want to talk about the past year 2020. The Corona pandemic completely defined 2020 and will also define 2021. We are still in a lockdown and the question is whether it will be over by Jan. 10, 2021. One bright spot is the approval of a vaccine before Christmas of last year.

I would only have wished that some contemporaries had not done everything that was possible or not prohibited. That might have kept the numbers a little lower overall and maybe even prevented a 2nd lockdown.

Last week review 01-2021But it should go here around the Blog, which is on-line meanwhile for 8 years with weekly contributions. In total, there were more than 700 posts, mainly of course around the topics of photo, video and of course a little EDP. While I still treated myself to a full-frame camera with the Canon 6D MK II towards the end of 2018, I started the switch to the mFT format a year later. It was successively sold the full-frame equipment.  The question of whether mFT is sufficient or whether it always has to be full-frame, I have already asked many times in this blog. Perhaps I myself lacked the courage to take the last step. In the meantime I dared it, and so far I don’t regret it.

Last week review 01-2021Taking or editing photos and videos on smaller devices is increasing more and more. Whether it’s videos with FilmicPro, for example, or editing videos or photos on an iPad Air.  You can edit your photos very well with Lightroom CC on an iPad. The same goes for editing with Photoshop CC or Affinity Photo. But even 4K video movies are very good to edit on an iPad with the LumiaFusion app. And since the update, this even applies to 10-bit material, like the Lumix G9 can capture with the V-Log extension.

When editing the clips, you simply don’t believe that all this is possible on a tablet. But so did Apple at the end of the year with its M1 also caused an uproar.

Last week review 01-2021Skylum released its new tool Luminar AI at the end of the year, which is supposed to replace Luminar 4 in the long run. The image processing goes further and further in the direction in AI support. And Adobe, too, has picked up on an AI-supported feature with version 10 of Photoshop and now offers AI-supported replacement of sky areas in landscapes. There Luminar AI is already a little further from the approach, only you have to get involved in this kind of processing and much must of course be improved in subsequent versions.

So much from me for the first post in the new year 2021. I have kept one change for 2020. There were substantially videos to the individual contributions over my YouTube channel. On the other hand, I had held out the prospect that there would no longer be a post every week. Now for 2020 I did not manage to do that.

ciao tuxoche



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