Last week review 22-2020

Last week review 22-2020 on a week with a lot of sun and very dry weather and here we had a longer weekend 😉

Last week review 22-2020This week i reported about the topic panorama photography and in particular about the Noda Ninja 3 panoramic head. The Nodal Ninja 3 is a smaller panoramic head and in contrast to the Nodal Ninja 4 which i owned before. The smaller version fits almost perfectly to the Lumix G9 which is large camera in the mFT segment.

Last week review 22-2020Setup of the panoramic head is always the same. This means that you have find the nodal point for your lenses you plan to use for panorama photography. For this purpose i use 2 lamp tripods positioned in a row. With this setup it is pretty easy to determine a parallax shift between far and near objects.

After the setup iof the panoramic head the base images are processed and then the panorama is stitcvhed either in PTGui or in the free software Hugin if you like.

With a focla length of 7mm and the Lumix G9 iyou can capture a complet sphere panorama with 360×180° with just 16 images.

Last week review 22-2020On wednesday evening Microsoft released the May 2020 update for Windows 10. The most important new feature are the Windows subsystem for Linux, new search options for the taskbar and the explorer. With this update Window sis brought to version20H1.  But only a couple hours later there were  news about a couple of problems with the new update, so i decided to delay the update on my computers, even though my Windows setup wourld not be affected by the problems listed.

Last week review 22-2020Not alonjg ago i reported on my first experiences with the Raspberry Pi 4 and the nextcloud installation. I decided to get a complete Raspberry Pi kit with the 4 GB version  of the mini computer. So far 4GB od RAM are more than enough for NextCloud installation because there are only a few of clients active on the system. These clients, mainls the phones upload mainly images and small videos to the cloud. But if you have higher requirements then there are good news, the Raspberry Pi 4 now is available in a ( GB RAM version.

But anyway this was an interesting week. I hope that you find the articles useful and i’m looking forward to your comments. But we keep the distance  and most important stay healthy.

ciao tuxoche

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