Last week review 25-2023

Weekly review 25-2023 and the super dry weather leads again to thunderstorms, hail and squalls 🙂

Last week review 25-2023

This week it was about an EDP topic and namely about the backup of mainly a Windowsintallation with Lightroom Classic as well as Photoshop and its settings. I have been using the open source tool Clonezilla for a long time.

With this tool you can backup an image of a harddisk or one or more partitions. The backup is done either locally, e.g. to an external USB drive, as I have done so far, or immediately via NFS to a share on a Linux server. I use my Openmediavault installation for this. Alternatively you can use Samba for a share.

Last week review 25-2023

The backup can also be encrypted, but I think this is obsolete in a local network. A restore has always worked so far, just make sure that the new partition is not smaller than the one you backed up from.

Last week review 25-2023Then Photoshop CC was also updated this week. It is now version 24.6, but without the “Generative Fill” feature that was present in the beta. It is more about minor improvements and updates, so among other things, better layer control, tooltips with retrievable tutorial videos and, of course, support for newer cameras and lenses.

It then remains to be seen when the Generative Fill feature will be included in the regular version of Photoshop CC.

Last week review 25-2023Serife, the maker of the Affinuty Suite has brought virtually all of the desktop apps up to version 2.1.1. After all, I had gotten the universal license at the time, which also included the apps for the iPad. The current update contains a lot of small detail improvements and fixes. I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet, I’ve only installed the update so far.

Last week review 25-2023

And then there is news from Skylum. First, the Summer Sale will be extended for one week. That means, you can buy Luminar NEO until 30.06. for a lower price. Furthermore version 1.11 has been released, which fixes some small bugs and a problem with Noiseless AI.

All in all another very eventful week. I hope you like the articles and I am looking forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche



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