Last week review 03-2020
|Last week review 03-2020 and the weather feels a lot more like spring rather than winter 😉
In this week i reported on my switch from an Android device to iOS with the iPhone Xs after the contract for my Huawei Mate 10 Pro run out. Maybe i wouldn’t have switched but 2 for me very important apps did work One is the app FilmicPro and the other is the DJI Go App for my Osmo Mobile Gimbal.
With both apps i had to test if they still work corectly after each Android update. With the Gimbal i occured after one update that timelapse videos were done in 720p only even though the camera is capable of 4k and with the FilmiPro App i couldn’t change the framerate.

The swithc to iOS wasn’t sort of unknwon terrority because already bought an iPhone 6s last year because of those two apps. But anyway i’m missing the DSLRControler app which is available for Android systems only. But the complete switch could be done without any problems.
And meanwhile i got myself a lightning to 3.5 mm jack and now i can use my Rode VideoMicro on the iPhone to increase the audio quality.
This week tuesday htis was almost a legendary date, because Microsoft quitte the support for Windows 7 on the 14th. At the time the last update for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems was made available. Windows 8 was one the first posts here on my blog back in 2013. In 2015 i used the chance and switched to Windows 10. Now ervery user has to decide to update a running Windows 7 in this sitaution after Microsoft ended the support. An unsupported Windows 7 might be poential dangerous even for your won data.
But anyway this was an interesting week and I hope you like the blog posts and i’m looking forward to your questions and comments.
ciao tuxoche