DSLRDashBoard 3.5.2

About DSLRDashBoard i did a couple of blog posts, but now after 2 years its time to take a look on the most recent version  DSLRDashBoard 3.5.2.


DSLRDashBoard 3.5.2DSLRDashBoard is a tether app available for  Android, iOS and also  Windows, Linux und Mac OS operating systems. Besides this the app supports different camera brands like Canon, Nikon and Sony. An ambitious project and since the last time i checked  out the Android version this version is with costs. The app runs at 9,47 € in the Google play store and costs even more than the main competitor for Canon cameras  DSLRController

The app

DSLRDashBoard 3.5.2Even though DSLRDashBoard is available for all major operating systems today we only take a look on the Android version for smartphones and tablets. First the good news the app author has done quite a lot improve the stability of the app, so with this version you can use the app for your assignments.

There are some preferences to setup for example if you want to start Liveview after connecting to the camera or if a movement of the AF rectangle should lead into a focus adjustment right away (which i don’t advice or use)

The app also contains other tools, like a depth-of-field calculator or a function to do timelapse sequences in a mode compatible to the LrTimelapse app .


DSLRDashBoard 3.5.2For this blog post we’ll stick to the focus stacking function, which is very comparable to the functions describes in my blog post about DSLRController. I did a little video on this: Für diesen Artikel möchte ich mich allerdings auf einen Focusstack beschränken, dersich von der Funktionaltität her nicht von DSLRController unterscheidet. Hier habe ich auch wieder ein kleines Video erstellt, aber seht selbst.

As you can see doing a focus stack is pretty easy and combining the images with tools like Helicon Focus or Zerene Stacker there are no problems.

Trying out the app only once a disconnect occured but trying to change the white balance the app crashed almost every time. But besides this the recent version solved the stability problems described in my earlier article.


DSLRDashBoard reached a stable status, so you can use the app for your every day work. Only the pice is a little bit high and having a Canon camera only i’ll still prefer  DSLRController . But if you own different cameras and different camera brands like Nikon or Sony this app could be an alternative.

Which tether app do you use and for what kind of camera? Just drop me a comment and questions are welcome too.

ciao tuxoche


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