Last week review 35-2016

Last week review 35-2016 and this week had really nice late summer weather, wish we had this weather in summer 😉

Last week review 35-2016In this weeks article i posted about annoyances with Android OS and Samsung devices in particular. Samsung needed more than 5 months to upgrade the Samsung S6 to Android 6 which is bad enough. But the Galaxy Tab S they need 10 months to offer Android 6. This puts a question mark for an international cómpany like Samsung and surely will influences the decision for the next smartphone or tablet.

Last week review 35-2016But there are also a couple apps which are arround for quite some time which boss their users arround. One of these apps if buffer, a service to manage your posts to social media like  Google+,Facebook or Twitter. In the free version you have 10 posts available. Trying to prepare these post with my smartphone the app bugs arround when i try to choose an image for the post from an url. The app offers the url to version with costs all the time.

The problems with date/time inputs seem to be solved with the upgrade to Android 6. At least one positive news 😉

Last week review 35-2016Talking about Android, Snapseed published a new version. The new version published on thursday is capable to apply perpective corrections to an image. In addition to this function you can manage the white balance and a sort of beauty retouching for smoothing the skin in portraits. What i missed a lot is to manage JPEG compression while exportinging image. The implementation of this feature is that good, because the app offers settings of 100,95 and 90% only. This adds to the settings of image size, implmented in the last update of this app.

Last week review 35-2016Very interesting is the availability of the  Exire Plugins for Lightroom, but first of all this plugin is made available for Mac OS only. The plugin implements a pattern recognition so after running the plugin with a selection of your images you should be able to search for master keywords like house,bird, beach withoud adding these keywords manually.The number of master keywords is limited for now. But the readings are very interesting. There is another plugin in the bundle, which sells for 59,– €. The second plugin implements a sort of search for similarity on the images. The price of 59,– € is pretty high, but id the plugins work as promised this should be ok. After Photokina the plugins should be available for Windows too. Since there is trial version available, i might take a closer look on it.

I hope you like the blog posts and i’m looking forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche

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