Last week review 18/2015

Post update on 12.Jul.2016

Last week review 18/2015 and the weather is to cold for the beginning of may, hopefully theier will be a great summer 😉

This week i took a closer look on the GPU support and the HDR and panorama function in the article  [post id=958]Lightroom 6 Evolution instead of Revolution I[/post] after i posted a first [post id=949]impression[/post] on Lightroom 6.

Last week review 18/2015Although i didn’t have any problemes to activate the GPU support both on my laptop and on my desktop PC there is no significant gain in processing speed and according to Adobe the develop module only will profit from this new function.

The HDR function is implemented pretty good. The resulting images are neutral and processing an HDR is pretty fast. Lightroom 6 automatically adjusts the overall brightness of such an HDR image which is ok, even though the resulting images are too bright according to my personal taste. The results are comparable to those processed with [post id=292]SNS-HDR[/post].

Last week review 18/2015

I’m a little disappointed looking at the panorama function. Stitching single panorams works out very well, also a sphere panorama shot with a regular wide angle lens. Trying to stitch a sphere panorama shot with a fisheye lens will fail. There seems to be a limit for the maximum base image which can be stitched to a panorama, If a try to mark more than a 100 images the function is either not choosable or the an error message occurs. Because of the sedate speed i’m happy about this limit 😉 As an interim conclusion i think that both functions can be done equal or better with specialized software like PTGui, [post id=335]Hugin[/post] (open source and free), [post id=863]ICE[/post] or SNS-HDR.

Last week review 18/2015

Another highlight this week was the free of charge available [post id=962]Perfect Effects 9.5 Premium[/post] version. This is another image porcessing software with a lot of predefined filters to apply certain effects to an image. You still can download it for free, so you shoul give it a try. Since Perfect Effects is integrated into Lightroom and Photshop i sometimes try it out, just too see, if an effect will improve the image.

I used may 1st to make a new an clean installation of Windows 8.1, alot of work, but necessary after almost 2 years. I used the new installation to install Lightroom 6 on my desktop PC and not running both version 5.7 and 6 together.

An eventful week and i  hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions. And don’t forget, i installed a feed for you via feedburner .

ciao tuxoche

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