Last week review 39-2022

Weekly review 39-2022 and this week was very autumnal and has also brought rain, because we need to compensate for the drought in the summer 🙂

Last week review 39-2022This week was about the question of whether it must always be original batteries for the camera in view of the sometimes very high prices. The question is absolutely justified, if you keep in mind that an original camera battery costs 70, – € and more, while you get batteries from third-party suppliers partly for less than half.

Of course, the camera manufacturers then paint a black picture and guarantee a proper function only when using the original parts, but refuse a guarantee for the case that even an original battery can inflate. So far, I have only had such an experience with one third-party battery, otherwise the third-party batteries were a real saving. And if they may have a slightly lower capacity, it is negligible given the price difference.

Last week review 39-2022

If you treat the third-party batteries with care or better like any battery, then you will also last a long time, and with well-known third-party manufacturers you will also have no problems with the batteries.

Last week review 39-2022Laowa introduced a very interesting lens last week, namely 58mm/f2.8 macro lens that goes up to 2:1 scale. The lens will be available for L-mount in addition to Sony,Canon and Nikon. In terms of quality, I expect a high quality Macor, having owned the 7.5mm/2.0 from Laowa to the Lumix G9 and now the 15mm/2.0 to the Lumix S5. Both just like the Macro manuaelle lenses, but with very good quality.

Then there are news Skylum respectively to the extensions of Luminar NEO. In addition to the already announced removal of arbitrary backgrounds, there will also be an Upscale AI. With this you will be able to improve the resolution of an image like in Lightroom or similar tools. With this it will be possible to smooth out quite large sections or to prepare images for very large format prints.

All in all again very eventful weeks. I hope you enjoy the articles and look forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche


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