Last week review 12-2017

Last week review 12-2017 and this week sproing paused  😉

Last week review 12-2017In this weeks article about additional accessories for photographers had the main topic now at the beginning of the season to pack your foto bag and think about about equipment besides a camera and lenses.

First to be mentioned are additional rechargeable batteries and in case of a vacation a battery recharger. The  number of batteries depends on your camera, temperature and your way capture images. For example with my Lumix G81 i take two additional batteries with me and depending on the number of pirctures taken i needed at least one of them.

For your lenses you should carry a cleaning cloth and a little brush to clean lenses from dust and even worse fingerprints.

Last week review 12-2017Carrying a tripod with you will assure sharp images even with longer exposure times and will help you to concentrate on the images and the composition.

To ensure sharp images using a tripod you should use a cable release or a smartphone for tethering the camera via USB or WiFi in combination with a Haida 3.0 and for example DSLRController for Canon cameras. .

Last week review 12-2017Then there was in the news Canon getting into clothing business because of 30th anniversity of the EOS camera system. You rub your eyes and look at the calendar but no it’s not 1st April. But in the british Canon store you can order the stuff, and we’re talking about T-Shirts, sweater, umbrellas and other things of course with the Canon logo. This sure is one method to tie fans and customers to the brand, but it would make more sense to follow complaints and wishes of the camera users all over the world.

But anyway this was an interesting week and I hope you like the blog posts and i’m looking forward to your questions and comments.Next week its getting hectically because we’re moving. So maybe depending on how an internet connection is available during the move there might be no article at all.

ciao tuxoche

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