Last week review 45/2014

Post update on 14.Aug.2016

Last week review 45/2014 and we have beautiful weather at least talking about November 😉

In my [post id=634]comparism[/post] between the Canon 17-40/4.0 L and the [post id=606]EF-S 10-18/4.5-5.6[/post], which i bought not long ago for the Canon 7D, i noticed that depth of field with an object distance of 1 m and f 5.6 didn’t result in an overall sharp image, like any depth-of-field stated. Since i didn’t measure the object distance exactly in the comaprism i tried it again.

Last week review 45/2014Therefore i discussed in my article, if the [post id=664]DOF[/post] tables or the programms or apps calcute right. To foreclose the results, too me the depth of field calculation aren’t working out. Even with an exact object distance of 1m i didn’t get an image being sharp in the backgorund, even when i used f 8.0.

Til now i didn’t notice this, because i use full format and taking landscape images i close the aparture to f11 or f16, since i don’t have to fear blurs by [post id=2358]difraction[/post]. Taking landscape pictures i won’t rely on those apps. This result also has an effect calculating the hyperfocal distance, which cannot be right.

I can’t answer the question about the reason for this effect, maybe the definition of the circle of confusion is too gnenrous in digital photography, because you view images in 100% view a lot more often.

Next week we will another Microsoft patchday, hope this will not cause any problems 😉

As i wrote last week i registered in the new social network, but its to early to state any experiences. You can use this link as a invite link, if you’re interested.

I hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions. And don’t forget, i installed a feed for you via feedburner . So have i nice weekend, til the next time.

ciao tuxoche

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