Last week review 44/2014
|Last week review 44/2014 and the weather is just fantastic for beginning of November.
This week i updated an article about having more than one [post id=401]catalog[/post] in Lightroom. As you probably know i do alot of timelapse or panroama shots or HDR, so there a lot of images no longer be used as soon as the timelapse is rendered or the panorama is stitched together. And escpecially with timelapse there are 200-1000 images for one timelapse video. And even HDR there at least 3 images per HDR image.
Even though i’m n amateur, this was the reason to split my catalog. There is a main catalog and another one for the base images. The base images are kept in the same physical place, meaning there is no outsourcing to another hard drive. The base images are only transferred to another catalog. This can also be done after a vacation. Just process your images as usual, and after the video is rendered or the panorama is stitched mark the base images and export them to any location without exporting the raw files. Close Lightroom and open it again with your catalog of the base images and import the just exported catalog. After returning back to the main catalog the images should be still marked and now can be deleted from the catalog by pressing ALT+backspace without deleteing them from the hard drive, which we do’t want to do.
Til October 31st there was an offer by DxO to get the version 8 of their DxO optice free of charge. But the server from DxO were ovelwelmed by the EMails, because it took up to 8 hours after regristratio to get your EMail with the licence key. So i will for sure take a closer look on this software and maybe make a comparism to the up-to-date version 10, since there is a trail version availbale.
In the past couple of weeks there are exitments about a new social network, This social network claims to pay its users for sharing content. The future will show if it works, and of course you can find me con tsu too. Take this link as an invite link, if you interested in this network.
I hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions. And don’t forget, i installed a feed for you via feedburner . So have i nice weekend, til the next time.
ciao tuxoche