Last week review 30/2014

Last week review 30/2014 and now it’s summer 😉

Last week review 30/2014In this week [post id=401]article[/post], we took a look on Lightroom and the question managing more than one catalog. Reading this blog you’ll know that timelapse photography is one of my favorites, just like panorama shots. Both will need a lot of images, which don’t need to be in every time access, once the timelapse video is processed or the panorama is stitched.

So i exported those base images for timelapse, panorama or HDR to an extra catalog, but left the images in their physical storage place, so there was no need to change the [post id=213]backup scripts[/post].

Last week review 30/2014Finally i’ll show you a comic arround the NSA scandal, which still is present.

If you’ll look at this little story, you might don’t feel like laughing at all.

The question is, could it be (some nearby day) be ture with the lip reading satelite 🙁

So it was an interesting week and I hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions and of course for the next six month. And don’t forget, i installaed a feed for you via feedburner. So have i nice weekend, til the next time

ciao tuxoche


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