Perfect Effects Premium 8

Post update on 22.Feb.2014

Due to do a blog entry i got aware of the Perfect Effects Premium 8, which is offered free of charge til 28th of January. But according to the website the offer is still vailid


The program Prefect Effects Premium 8 is a image processing programm, which allows to apply certain effects, e.g. in color or contrast. It requires a 64- Operating system and at least 8 GB RAM. The program comes with plugins for Lightroom, Photshop and Photoshop elements.

If the link to the free offer still works, you’ll habe to register with your E-mail and the activation code is mailed to you. To activate the program there msut be an internet connection. Since is a pretty much usual procedere, so i don’t want to rate this one.

The program

If Lightroom already is installed, the plugin ist installed automaticly. You call the export via plugin options.

Perfect Effects Premium 8

On the left hand side the favorites are shown, which gibe you a preview of the filter. Since you can adminstrate your favorites it is pretty easy to add those favorites, depending on your taste and/or mostly used filters.

On the right hand side there are the configuration of the filter. You can combine a couple of filters.

Clicking on the filter the preview is changed, but it is only the preview that is changed. Only after clicking the Apply button the filter is added to foto.

In addition some of the filters allows to apply the effect via the brush only to a certain part of the picture. Shadows and/or highlights can be protected by most of the filters.

Export is done according to the configuration either in psd, tiff or jpeg. If the Lightroom plugin is used, the processed pircture is reimported into Lightroom and stacked with the original picture.


Perfect Effects Premium 8

Perfect Effects Premium 8

Perfect Effects Premium 8

And another set of 3 pictures.

Perfect Effects Premium 8

Perfect Effects Premium 8

Perfect Effects Premium 8

If you are interested in the recent work, i’ve done with Prefect Effects, take a look at this article.


Prefect Effects Premium 8 is easy to use, once you digged arround the large number of filters. It integrates seamless into Lightroom and saves the images as psd or tiff, which allows image processing in Photoshop later on.

But there is a problem, to me Perfects Effects Premium 8 is quite slow, even on a [post id=102]Xeon V3 1230 CPU[/post], esspecially if you click the 100% view it takes quite a while to render the view. To a program/plugin which is normally has a price tag from 99 USd this is unacceptable.

Did you use the free of charge offer and what is your opinion about this program. Is it a real assistance or it like it’s for free so it is ok.

Just leave me your comments/suggestions and any questions, if you like.

ciao tuxoche


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