Last week review 07-2024

Weekly review 07-2024 and this week it was very mild, but also quite rainy in places. I’m sorry for the carnival people who didn’t have such good weather 😉

Last week review 07-2024The first part of this week’s blog was about my firewall, which is designed to provide more security for the network and to organize the individual services in different and separate networks. In terms of software, I decided to install OPNSense.

As I actually had enough hardware power with an N5105 and the KingNovy was also equipped with 32 GB RAM, I virtualized the firewall with Proxmox. However, as I also have a WLAN network via the Fritzbox and also use VoIP, I made the changeover step by step. Proxmox was ideal for this. Initially, I left the WLAN and VoIP outside and put the Fritzbox logically in front of it, as this is responsible for the Internet connection.

Various containers, including Nextcloud, have now been running more than satisfactorily for just over 5 months. And fittingly, the upgrade to the new major release 24.1 came a few days ago. The upgrade via the WeBGui went absolutely smoothly.

Last week review 07-2024

Ich habe da noch weitere Erweiterung vorgenommen, über die ich dann demnächst berichten werde.

Last week review 07-2024And let’s stay with the firewall topic for a moment. When you read that Saxony-Anhalt has procured firewalls for its schools for €21 million, but that these are not usable because they are not adapted to the conditions in front of the schools then my anger simply rises. I could now say that perhaps it’s because the responsible ministry is run by the FDP, but the IT situation in other federal states isn’t much better.

There is also no end to the security gaps, especially on the CPU. As Heise reports, significant gaps are now appearing in AMD processors. But Intel is also said to be affected. This teaches us that there are only reasonably secure structures at best and that we have to keep patching.

Last week review 07-2024I finally got my act together and ordered my parts for the new PC. You may remember that I reported in the weekly review 42-2023 that my now aging PC with the Ryzen 1700X no longer really wants to work. But I didn’t want to order it before Christmas either. But I’ve now made up my mind and the first parts have arrived. Then comes the assembly and then I’ll tell you how the new one performs with Lightroom and Da Vinci Resolve.

All in all, another very eventful week. I hope you enjoy the articles and look forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche

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