Last week review 07-2018

Last week review 07-2018 and the weather is splitt, at the beginning of the week more or less winter and now its a mix between wet and cold and a little bit sunny.  🙁

Last week review 07-2018This week was Adbobe’s week of course, after the company relkeased an update for Lightroom Classic and the Lightroom CC version.

But at first to Lightroom Classic which was now released to in version 7.2 After the different pre informations available on the web we’re looking forward to the performance increase promised here and the scalability for cpu with a lot of cores.

Using the cores on systems with more 12 GB of RAM we must admit, that with the version 7.2 Adobe did a very good job. Batch exporting a set of images the cpu cores on my Ryzen system are almost used to 100%.

Last week review 07-2018This optimization is shown in the times needed fro different jobs. Lightroom now needs only half of the time for a batch export job Lightroom 7.1 would have used. Even other functions like merging images to HDR or panaoramas profit form this improvements.

The other new functions, like the new library filter for has edit/no edit are depending on your personal workflow more or less useless or only are marginal.

At the same time Adobe released a new Desktop version and a new version for Android for Lightroom CC. The only new feature in the desktop version is to add the copyright name of the photographer. As default the name is taken from your Adobe ID.

Last week review 07-2018In the Adnroid version Adobe implemented a function for geometriacal corrections already knwon from Lightroom Classic. This new function even knows the upright function which automatically can align an image or with the definition of help lines.

Last week review 07-2018


On a tablet this function is easily operated but i would not do this on a smartphone. But we can see that Lightroom CC catches up more and more with the desktop version.

But anyway this was an interesting week and I hope you like the blog posts and i’m looking forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche

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