Last week review 26/2015

Last week review  26/2015 and slowly a little bit of summer is coming  😉

As a regular reader of this blog you might noticed that there was no last week review article for week 25. Once in while i’m getting a little time off called vacation 😉

But the vacation with pretty cold weather is over now so we start again with this blog.

Last week review 26/2015In the last weeks article  [post id=976]Lumix G6 and macro photography [/post] i reported on the  Panasonic Elmarit 2.8/45mm , which i added to my  mFT equipment and makes the equipment almost complete.

Of course the difference [post id=813]size[/post] between the mFT macro lens and  for example the Canon  100mm/2.8 L IS for full frame cameras are huge, but both lenses offer a optical stabalizer and a maximum aparture of 2.8.

The optical performance is very much comparable to the Canon macro lens, an the stabalizer is working very good.

Using the display of the  Lumix G6 for foccusing you should use a tripod because of the very small depth of field, since a little bit moving back or force leeds into out-of-focus images. Talking about handling there is only one problem, switching to manual focus only can be done in the camera setup and not with a little switch on the lens like for Canon lenses.

Since the Lumix G6 provides a pretty good follow-focus for the video mode you can try to do close-up videos.

Last week review 26/2015In my article about new features in  [post id=1013]Lightroom CC[/post] i reported on the rumors that these new features to be implmented in the Cloud version of Lightroom only, even though Lightroom 6 just being  [post id=958]released[/post].

The update was released and the rumors turned into facts. Adobe adopts the same system concerning updates already working with Phtoshop CC version. Updates implementing new functions are only available in the Cloud version, while boxed version of Lightroom 6 or Photoshop CS6 only get updates supporting new camera/lens combinations. This will lead into the conclusion that there will no Lightroom 7.

An eventful week and i  hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions. And don’t forget, i installed a feed for you via feedburner .

ciao tuxoche


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