Pre workflow for Lightroom with Perfect Browse 9.5

A pre workflow for Lightroom sounds a little bit cumbersome, but it makes sense on assignments with a lot of images.

[post id=958]Lightroom 6[/post] causes you to import your images first, but this is reasonable keeping the approach of the program in mind. The disadvantage of being forced to import  at first and generating the previews is that it takes quite time to go through this process before you can select the first image.

Now at this point another software from comes in very handy, it’s called Perfect Browse 9.5, which is offered free of charge at the moment  just like  [post id=962]Perfect Effect 9.5[/post] . You just have to register on the website and you’ll get the license code right away after entering your email adress (supplying which email address is up to you, but i got a notice on this offer thru email)

Pre workflow for Lightroom with Perfect Browse 9.5The big advantage of this software is viewing your images and judge them about sharpness and other things without being forced to import them into Lightroom first. The 100% view is very fast and you can sharpness or the look of your model. This makes it very easy to judge a large number of images, like portraits or wedding shootings.

It is very useful that the software implmented the same short keys to access functions like markeing an image as picked or rejected. You can use the kes from 1-5 to mark your images with the star system and use 6-0 to apply the different color marks (if it fits your workflow). After marking the images you can right away delete the rejected images instead of importing them, into lightroom first, but take a look on the video:

I think that Perfect Browse is a quite usefull tool judgeing a large number of images before importing them into Lightroom. Because of the fast 100% preview you can judge sharpness or crop of the image or other things reducing the number of images imported to Lightroom. And since it’s free of charge you just try it out at no risk 😉

What do think about such tools? Any experiences, maybe you leave a comment or a question?

ciao tuxoche


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