Review last week 13/2014

Last week 13/2014 and from the week number we ar on a misfortune number, but take a look on the weather this can’t be true. 

In the last weeks review i talked about getting off work and have a little time to take picture and here are the first results.

Review last week 13/2014In the first [post id=279]article [/post] in this 13. week of year i took a look on the marvelous jf Flickr plugin for Lightroom from Jeffrey Friedl.. The plugin is very powerfull and allows you to set up different sets for your flickr account and even publish your pictures to communites just on behalf of keywords and smart Flickr Publish collections.

The process to publish your images to your flickr account is started manually. Even though the plugin is donationware, it is worth every cent (maybe you should decide to donate a couple of Euros,since that is very easy from a paypal account).

Review last week 13/2014Almost a must this weekend was an article about [post id=274]changing to dalylight saving time[/post]. We have to change the cameras clock to assure geotagging is working out correctly. The article gives some hints, what to do with Lightroom or other tools, i you forgot about it. But today is the chance to change the cameras time, last reminder so to say 😉

Next week we’ll talk a little bit about aparture 😉 I look ahead on your comments/suggestions or your questions. If you prefer not to comment an article i certainly appreciate a +1, Like or Twitter share.

And to remind you i installed a further newsfeed for this blog via feedburner, so if you like take a look at it

ciao tuxoche



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