Last week review 23/2014

Post update on 14.Aug.2016

Last week review 23/2014 starts with pretty hot weather, and i’m in doubt if the hotest weekend for the last 50 years is good either.

Last week review 23/2014In the first [post id=416]article[/post] for this week i’ll gave DSLRDashboad another chance, since the changelog for the version 0.30.33 listed that the author repaired the lack of a focus point on Canons cameras. DSLRDashboard advantage is to be free of charge und supporting both Nikon and Canon Cameras.

But this new try wasn’t successful, there is still no AF point in Liveview which can be freely positioned, at least with my Canon 7D and the 5D MK II. This is too bad, but this bug make sit impossible to use the app for focus stacking sessions, where you’ll need a AF point in liveview, which can be positioned to the point of interest. So i’ll stick to the DSLRController app, which is for Canon cameras only, but even marked as beta works just great, both on a Nexus tablet and a S3 smartphone.

Last week review 23/2014In the second [post id=389]article[/post] we take a look on Lightroom presets. Lightroom presets are not only present in the export dialog or the development modul but also for filename renaming and the import dialog. In the screencast i’ll tried to show where you can make use of presets.

The most important are development presets, but also form within the import dialog you’ll should presets like for lens corrections and filename renaimg. The presets can ease up your workflow a lot.

Since this is a longer weekend, i hope you mind that i relax a little bit too. So there will be no article on tuesday.

I hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions. And don’t forget, i installaed a feed for you via feedburner. So have i nice weekend, til the next time

ciao tuxoche



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