Last week review 43-2023

Weekly review 43-2023 and this week it was relatively mild, but very rainy and wet 😉

Last week review 43-2023

After the new Lightroom version 13 the week before last, Skylum has now released the GenErase extension for Luminar NEO this week. This extension is in the Abo vcorhanden or must be licensed extra. The extension itself is called like all extensions not in the development module, but appears in the catalog menu.

In principle, this function is a content-based filling, as known from Lightrom. You paint over the disturbing areas/objects and GenErase fills the resulting gap with pixels from the neighborhood in such a way that a seamless transition is created.

Last week review 43-2023

The function is still a bit slow, but works quite well for most objects.

However, there are 2 problems. Once the finished image is saved as JPEG in a separate album. Here a 16 bit Tiff or DNG would be preferable for further processing. Secondly, the Exif data is not copied to the corrected image, with the result that the corrected image appears in a completely different place in the catalog when you display the catalog by shooting time. I hope that Skylum will correct this with the final version that is currently available with great discounts.

Last week review 43-2023

In the week review 41 I had reported that I had ordered the Godox XPro remote release for my flash unit. Now the diffuser has finally arrived, although I had ordered at the same time. The diffudsor is delivered  with different adapters, so that it fits directly on the different flash types.

I want to use this combination mainly in close-up, together with the Sigma 105mm/2.8. I will just try it out, also with the other diffuser I still have and then report about it.

All in all, another very eventful week. I hope you enjoy the articles and look forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche


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