Last week review 10-2021

Weekly review 10-2021 and the weather is just very changeable 😉

Last week review 10-2021This week it was about the project management in Da Vinci Resolve. This determines about the presets resolution e.g. of the finished videos and also determines where the cache files should be created. But it also makes the work easier, because you can export projects to create a project template. Then all logos, start and channel videos are directly included and you only need to select the new clips.

Another option is to archive the projects. This copies all files belonging to a project, whether videos, audio files, images, etc. into an archive. This archive file can then actually be archived to have a backup or it can be used to transfer the project from a laptop to a PC for example.

So I think the project management in Da Vinci Resolve is quite well done and leaves all options open to the user.

Last week review 10-2021Then this week WordPress was updated. Now version 5.7 is up to date. This version has implemented many features on the Block Editor and also implemented some other improvements, so you should definitely update. However, this version was after a long time again an update that was not installed automatically. There I am a bit spoiled, because by the automatic updates I get a mail that the page in question has been updated. Then I only have to take care of the plugins.

Last week review 10-2021Then there is Adobe Photoshop in a native version for the new Apple Macs with the M1 processor. This means that you no longer have to rely on emulation with Rosetta, and the app is also supposed to run faster than the old version made for Intel CPU. With this, the number of M1 optimized apps is increasing as was to be expected.

All in all again very eventful weeks. I hope you like the articles and look forward to your questions and comments. And apart from that, I have to say again “Keep your distance” and “Reduce contacts”. Rules that still apply despite the relaxations. And let’s hope the numbers don’t go up again.

ciao tuxoche

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