Last week review 04-2021

Weekly review 04-2021 and it was everything from snow to warm and rainy 😉

Last week review 04-2021In this week’s post I introduced you to the latest version of Darktable, which was released on 2020-12-24. Darktable is an open source image editing and management program that is available for Windows, as well as Mac OS and Linux. And after a presentation of the previous version at the beginning of 2018, after almost 3 years it was simply time to take a look at how the program has developed.

Last week review 04-2021And to say it in advance, today Darktable can be an alternative to Lightroom. Workflow and operation are slightly different in some places, but Darktable offers basically the same functionality. You have the RAW converter and keywording including a map module. And even when denoising images with high ISO settings, Darktable does a very good job.
Last week review 04-2021

So if you need a good image editor to start with, or perhaps you dislike Adobe’s subscription model, Darktable is at least a serious alternative. It lacks the layers or even functions to put together panoramas, for example, but you can certainly do that with Gimp or Hugin.

Last week review 04-2021

I’ve been running my NAS with Openmediavault and a Raid 5 array for some time now, although the latter wouldn’t be necessary anymore. The NAS is used almost exclusively as the first backup level. Further backups are then created on USB hard drives, so that there are always 3 copies of my videos and pictures.

A few days ago, the OMV system reported and that with the SMART hard disk monitoring. More and more uncorrectable sectors and with increasing tendency on a disk were observed.

Last week review 04-2021

This is then a warning that the hard disk in question will sooner or later stop working. So I first got a new hard disk, a Seagate IronWolf 4 TB. That took a little longer because of the lockdown, because I don’t order hard disks via online shipping. Now I’m going to get the NAS back in shape.

All in all, another very interesting week. I hope you like the articles and I’m looking forward to your questions and comments. And otherwise I have to say again “Keep your distance” and “Reduce contacts”.

ciao tuxoche


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