Last week review 40/2015

Last week review 40/2015 and this sure was a terrific week, sunshine and mild temperatures

2015-09-03 18.26.50In this weeks article i introduced the [post id=1152]Rode smartLav+[/post] microphone too you. I use it to record vidoes and tutorials and taking advantage of the better video capabilites of the [post id=813]Lumix G6[/post] camera. The little microphone is ideal to record audio in high qualitiy, since its placed on you.

2015-09-08 14.42.08The microphone has a price tag of 60,– € which surely is a fair price and offering a decent recording qualitiy. A little bit annoying is the fact that Rode itsself only offers an app for iOS and nothing for Android smartphones. But goto the Google play store, there are a lot of apps to record audio with your smartphone. Personally i tried out RecForge II and th  SmartVoice app, the later one was my choice because of an easier handling. The app records audio with the smartLav+ microphone and can share the audio file via Dropbox or with a little help of X-file to a windwos share.

This is very compact and leight weight recording unit which can be used in the field too.

You just have to decide which recording apps fits your needs the best, but chances are good because the are couple of different recording apps available at the Google play store.

lr-mobileBecause of an Adobe [post id=1131]offer[/post] i switched to the Creative Cloud version of Lightroom and Photoshop i also have access to Lightroom mobile.

I synchronized 2 smaler collcetions to the cloud and i played arround with the images on my  [post id=1146]Samsung Tab S 10.5[/post] tablet herumgespielt, to get use to the functions of the app.

This week it happens that the app started but there was no reaction touching the collection to open it on the tablet. After a couple of tries i decided to reinstall Lightroom Mobile 🙁

I did an article on  [post id=890]Holux M-241[/post] GPS Logger, which is used for recording GPS track files. With the terrific weather this week i did a couple of photo tours and could intensivly try out how to read out the track data with a  [post id=1068]Smartphone[/post]. This will be next weeks article.

An eventful week and i  hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions. And don’t forget, i installed a feed for you via feedburner .

ciao tuxoche

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