Last week review 28/2014

Last week review 28/2014 and i’m glad that the heavy rain storms here in Germany ended, but in the evening we’re playing for the FIFA World Cup 2014 😉

Last week review 28/2014The first article this week was baout the high qualitiy achromat close up lense [post id=504]500D[/post] from Canon. I had the opportunity to give it a try taking picture from bees and buterflies. I combined the 500D achromat with a 100-400/4.5-5.6 Zoom lens on a Canon 7d and the 100mm/2.8 on a Canon 5D MK II. This was not a test, just trieing out if a 500D achromat is worth to keep, if you already own a specialized Macro Lens. The resulting images from the achromat lens were pretty good, and the worthiest advantage is you can be a little bit more far away to get your images, so to me, the decision is made, i’ll keep the 500D.

Last week review 28/2014In the second article i had a look on [post id=465]qDSLRDashboard[/post] a cross platform tether software, which is available for Android,Windows and Linux. I love this idea to have the same interface on a Android Tablet and a Windows PC. But this software is in Beta state, and trying it out resulted in the same problemes i had with the Adnroid only [post id=416]version[/post], it is missing an AF point in Liveview, which can be freely positioned. But the problem occurs only on some Canon modells, so we probably have to wait for the next version.

So it was an interesting week and I hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions and of course for the next six month. And don’t forget, i installaed a feed for you via feedburner. So have i nice weekend, til the next time

ciao tuxoche

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