i Blue 747 logger dead and what comes afterwards

i Blue 747 tot und was kommt danach?Last week my i Blue 747 GPS logger  gave up after 6 years of intensive usage. First i thought this was due to battery death after this period, but even after recharging a connect via USB didn’t work.

The logger lasted a pretty long time and i got a lot of tracks from my foto tours, but at the weekend i did’nt make a tour without GPS tagging, especially i rename my images within the [/post id=354]import[/port] according the geo metadata. This is the reason i tag my captures not in lightroom, doing this externally with Geosetter.

As an interim solution i could use my smartphone, since it is equipped with a GPS chip and i allready tested using a smartphone and an app for logging the geo-files.

i Blue 747 tot und was kommt danach?So i used my Samsung S III on the foto tour using the app Meine Track to record the the track and later on with  Geosetter  to transfer the gps data to the images, or more precise to the XMP sidecar files.

The app is very easy to operate, you only leave the settings to the default values. Starting the recording the app runs in the background and after finishing the tour you just have to save the trackfile. At the end of the recording you can get statistical informations like average speed, length of the track and height differences.

The map view can be changed to map only, satelite view only  or a combination of map and satelite view with street names. Everything is workig out just fine and the precision is high enough to use the data to tag your images.

The trackfile can be uploaded to Google drive right away from the smartphone and download it to your Windows PC to use the file with the Geosetter application. The trackfile is saved  .kmz format which can be used with Geosetter.

To me as an interim solution tracking my tour with a smartphone is ok, which leads us to base question, what comes afterwards? As far as my research has been done it’s probable the i Blue 747A or a  Holux M-241 . With the i Blue 747A i could continue to software  bt747, which i’m used to, but the Holux is on the compatibility list, too.

What do you think about this choice od you have an advise for me? Just use the comments to write something about your hardware and software combination

ciao tuxoche


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