Review last week 10/2014

We reached the review last week 10/2014 and spring has finally come with beautiful weather at least for this time of the year. I’m sure you read about this one on in the future.


Review last week 10/2014In the article [post id=229]Backup filtered views in Lightroom[/post] i reported how to backup a filtered view, like with the star system or color markes, to an external drive or NAS.

Lightroom itsself only offers the possibility to export a filtered view as a catalog to an external drive or NAS. Exporting a filtered view as an catalog gives you the catalog, which contains all keywords and even more important the development steps, the photos, existing XMP and other side car files (as along as they are recognized by Lightroom) and keeps the folder hierarchy

Review last week 10/2014In this weeks article about the [post id=236]Canon 500D Achromat[/post] i shared my experiences with that special close up lens, which delivers a high image qualitiy. It is optimal for longer telephoto zoom lenses, e.g. the 70-200mm, and delivers reproducton ratios that let you (almost) forget about a specialized macro lens. Okay a close up lens can’t substitue such a special lens, because you loose the ability to focus to infinity, but of course it s a fairly priced alternative.

This week also the version 5.0 of the Faststone image viewer was published, a little tool, which i use for quite some time, and the best, its free of charge.

Besides the photos i took yesterday next week we take a look on the Lightroom plugin LR/Enfuse,

If you liked some of the articles i would appreciate a +1 or a Like share. Comments/suggestions and questions are always welcome

ciao tuxoche


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