Canon 500D close Up Lens
|Arrived today, i bought a Canon 500D close-up lens.
Sorry first of all only a photo taken with a smartphone. I’m happy to try out this close-up lens with my 70-200/4.0 L IS USM and the 100-400/4.5-5.6 L IS USM.
Even though close-up lenses are arround for ages, this is my first one 😉
I’ll just try it out, how this close-up lens will perform on the mentioned lenses and maybe i even take a chance trying it out on the 100mm/2.8 L IS USM.
Just to mention it, i bought this one for a fair price as a used item und will test it the following weeks and afterwards there’ll be surely an article on this blog.
So i say see you til the next time 😉 but maybe you have pratical experiences with close-up lenses in general or with an Achromat like this one.
ciao tuxoche