Lightroom presets

Working with Lightroom you’ll get in contact with the presets almost right away. Especially development presets to achieve certain effects can be found on many websites, most of them are free of charge.

Lightroom presetsThe development presets are only one part of the opportunities in Lightroom. Lightroom can presets in different places, In the article about the [post id=354]Lightroom import[/post] i mentioned some of them.

Lightroom offers a couple of preinstalled presets changing to the development module (button d)

Lightroom presets













Since the development presets are pretty important, we’ll take a picture to apply the lens corrections. Even if the lens corrections are already applied this is ok for our example. From the menu Develop -> New Preset the dialog shown in the screenshot pops up.

Check only the lens correction settings and the process version and save the settings as a new prest lens correction.

This preset now is ready to be used in the import dialog and on further imports lens correction is done in one single step within the import of your images.

But take a look a the following screencast video:

Presets surely make working with Lightroom a lot easier.

I use presets allmost everywhere, to automate the import of images and especially the export. How do you handle this, do you use presets even only within the development modul.

I’ll be happy to read your comments/suggestions. And questions are welcome too.

ciao tuxoche


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