Last week review 3-2017

Last week review 3-2017 and arround here in my area it is pretty cold right now 😉

Last week review 3-2017In this weeks blog post we again ´took a look on JPEG image optimisation/size reduction with the service from  Shortpixel.  I tried out such tools for a couple times, like JPEGMini or , but both tools didn’t keep their promises in terms of size reduction and/or image quality. Most of the times the promised size reductions of 50% or even more didn’t turn out to be true and freeware tools like the FastStone Viewer gave better results.

Shortpixel even beats the FastStone results with no or only marginal drop in image quality and details. After a registration on the webpage you can upload to 100 images/month for free. If you need to do more images the service starts with $ 4.99 allowing to optimize up 5.000 images.

I’m pretty activ on Google+ and share my images regurarly. Images are uploaded via Lightroom to Google Fotos with a longer side of almost 2.000px and shared later like this one :

Last week review 3-2017


Last week review 3-2017Shareing such an image on the way with a smartphone or tablet a too me not explainable phenomena occurs. First i traced a bad mobile data connection during my vacation but now i occured the same here with a good LTE connection. The shared image viewable on Google is shared with a very small size in this case  320x216px 🙁 only.

This is a effect i couldn’t state on other social media like Facebook. And there is another funny effect, some of the images will appear in the original size after some time passed by like 24hrs. or so. I can’t explain why Google reduces the dimensions of the original image so radical.

But anyway this was an interesting week and I hope you like the blog posts and i’m looking forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche


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