Camera profiles with X-Rite Colorchecker

Generating camera profiles with the  X-Rite Colorchecker Passport fits into the color management chain with a calibrated monitor.

My Dell U2711 is calibrated on a regular base with the X-Rite i1 Display Pro. In addition i use the X-Rite Color Checker Passport, a very compact grey- and color card, which is easy to carry with you in your camera bag.

Camera profiles with X-Rite ColorcheckerCalibrating my cameras is done once in a while and with the help of the color card i take an image in a daylight and a shadow situation. In the article about [post id=866]noise comparism[/post] i reported on the different colors in different cameras.

So we compare the Canon 5D MK II and  Lumix G6:

The Lumix G6 image is exposed a little bit short  (1/1000 sec. at ISO 160 compared  1/500sec. at ISO 100)

Camera profiles with X-Rite ColorcheckerX-Rite offers a software, which can be downloaded from their website, to generate a DNG profile within Lightroom. With this plugin we just export the image with the colortable and the software tries to generate a profile from this image, which is stored in this path  C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles in your users profile and enabled after a restart of Lightroom.

Camera profiles with X-Rite Colorchecker

And now for shadow light situations:

Sometimes it could happen that the software tool isn’t able to generate a profile from the exported image manily because of two reasons. Maybe the image isn’t correctly exposed so you should initiate a exposure bracketing. The upper part of the color table contains white fields from a warmer to a colder tonality. If these don’t have any details it is not possible to generate a profile.

Camera profiles with X-Rite Colorchecker

Another error that the color card is tilted and the software is not able to identify the different fields. An example is shown in the above screenshot.

All together a nice and very usefull tool to optimize your workflow and calibrate your camera(s). And of course the color table, which includes a 18% grey card, can be used find the right white balance in complex lightning situations.

What do you think about colormanagement and tools like X-rite Passport? Just let me know in the comments and questiosn are very welcome too.

ciao tuxoche

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