Google+ and circloscope

Quite a lot of poeple do have an Google+ account sharing articles, fotos and videos. After a while you start circleing people with the same or related intrests. Some of those people you are in your circle will start to recircle you, if your shares are interesting to them.

Google+ and circloscopeTypically you start to devide the people into different circles depending on different interests or depending on the relation, like freinds, family and so on.

Or you group people if you only follow them or if they circled you back.

If you want your article to find a lot of people you’ll post your shares public and/or to a correspondig community. Getting feed back depends on the qualitiy of your shares and if post about very interesting and astonishing issues.

Feed back from your audience will result in plussing the article or in a comment. If the article is realy interesting it is plussed and reshared. Depending on the qualitiy of your articles the number of persons following yourself will increase. Depending on your topics and because of the mass of articles, fotos posted on Google+ increasing the number of your followers will take a while. Therefore to quickly increase the number of person following you you won’t get arround circle sharing.

Google+ and circloscopeCircle sharing is typically done with a circle containing 500 persons with hopefully the same or at least interests. You can add this circle to your own circles waiting for getting circled back by the person in the shared circle.

Google+ so far has a limit of 5000 person in your own circles. This restriction almost forces you to eliminate person in your circles which will not circle you back.

This were Circloscope gets into the game, an addon for the Google chrome browser. This tool helps you to manage your circles, filtering your circles on different selections. You can filter if persons you circled recircled you after a time. You can also filter for the last activity, so you can find out persons in your circles not posting any more or at least for a given time.

Circloscope is working very well, but has 2 main disadvantages. Filtering for the last activity is quite slow depending on the number of person in your circles, but while Circloscope is fetching the data you can surf the web or do anything you want.

But the main disadvantage is managing a bulk of people in your circles requires the premium version, which has a price tag of $47 per year. Not very cheap 😉

But despite the price tag Circloscope is the tool i was looking for managing my circles. What are your experiences or do you use different tools to manage your circles. I’ll be glad to get your comments and /or questions.

ciao tuxoche


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