6 months online

Post update on 14.Aug.2016

I started this blog in addition to my german page tuxoche.de as a private project to publish articles mainly on photographic topics.

6 months onlineOk let me be honest, the first article published was on January 22, but anyway it feals great to have a growing number of readers. This blog is a follower project from tuxoche.de, my german blog, which is online for 18 months these days. I also startet a blog to present my fotos belichtungs-zeit.net. But let talk about this blog.

Due to the german blog, i already made a little bit of practise and posted articles on a regular base, mainly on wednesday and saturday, so one day after the german post the article is available english. Meanhwhile there are 78 articles available.

The main topics are

  • Lightroom and Photoshop, but also other tools/raw converters
  • Timelapse/Hyperlapse capture taking
  • Tips and hints on workflows
  • (Software)Tools for tether shooting
  • Desktop PC or notebooks in general

6 months onlineTaking pictures one issue is data backup. I published a article series how i do backups for Windows, the Lightroom catalog and the pictures. [post id=196]Part II[/post] explained backup of the Lightroom catalog from within Lightroom and and [post id=205]Part III[/post] explained how to backup the images on a NAS. I posted the highlights in another [post id=213]article[/post]. Because backup is so easy, you should do it at least after every photo session.

6 months onlineAllways a great topic is Adobe software, Lightroom and Photoshop. I publshed articles and hints the workflow with lightroom , for example the article about [post id=330]substituting[/post] a polarizing filter with Lightroom, ok at least sort of 😉 or the article and screencast about the [post id=354]Lightroom import dialog[/post]. But not only workflow hints are interesting, the new softweare releases on the [post id=472]Adobe day[/post] were thrilling. Lightroom with a new version 5.5, a new Photoshop CC and the offer from the Adobe photography program staying permanent. All great news.

Just one statement, if i write an article about software or other tools the article reflects my opinion, it’s not a test.

But anyway a lot of topics and it is interesting that more and more people take a look on my website, many thanks for that one. But this summer i want concentrate more on talking picture rather than wirting about, how i process them. So maybe there might be the one or the other week, where i don’t publish two articles.

But i hope that all my readers will continue reading my articles. And like always i’m looking forward to your comments/suggestions or questions if you like.

cioa tuxoche



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