Last week review 22-2024

Weekly review 22-2024 and it is quite warm, but very rainy 🙁

This week was about close-up and macro photography and diffusers for a flash unit. For close-up and macro photography you need a lot of light and the flash is basically suitable for that, but it is also a very hard light. You can counteract this with various diffusers that make the light area larger and thus provide a softer light.

Last week review 22-2024

I had a total of 3 such diffusers at the start. 2 were available for a few euros on Amazon, while the 3rd was a Godox original and therefore relatively expensive. And to say it up front, diffuser no. 2, which can be bought for under €10 on Amazon, was the real price/performance winner.

Last week review 22-2024

This diffuser is very compact, flat and therefore fits in any camera bag. But the Godox diffuser also has its purpose because it can be used as a remote flash is more flexible.

Last week review 22-2024

Skylum is holding a summer sale for Luminar NEO where Luminar NEO licenses are offered at a very reasonable price. Just take a look, because there is Luminar NEO for 1 year or a permanent license with discounts of up to 80%. I recently reported on the changes to Luminar NEO 1.19, in which various other functions, including the water amplifier, were implemented.

With Luminar NEO you have a complete RAW converter with which you can edit your images and with practically no functions left unused. You can also extend the Luminar NEO permanent license with extensions to include various functions.

This weekend I had to make a spontaneous purchase. I actually wanted to inquire about the Lumix 14-28mm, but then the photo dealer came with the Sigma 16-28mm/f 2.8, which I had imagined to be much bigger.

Last week review 22-2024

If you put the two next to each other on the table, the Lumix is ​​still smaller, but the difference is unlikely to play a significant role in practice. And of course I preferred the 2.8 aperture to a 4.0-5.6 lens. And given Sigma’s recently extended cashback campaign, I took it with me. It will replace my Laowa 15mm/2.0.

All in all, another very eventful week. I hope you like the articles and look forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche

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