Last week review 35-2023

Weekly review 35-2023 and it is still very rainy although now at the beginning of autumn it should get better 😉

Last week review 35-2023

This week it was about the cooperation between a MacBook and Samba on Linux level to backup files from the MacBook via Timemachine. For this it is sufficient on the Linux side to set up Samba and to load the additional modules recommended according to Samba Wiki for the cooperation with MacOS.

If the user or a user group is then granted access to Linux level, then nothing stands in the way of using Timemachine. I usually set up the share so that the group sambashare has access to it. Then you only need to set up the time backup on MacOS level, i.e. connect to the sambashare and you are done.

Last week review 35-2023

If you have fast Wifi 5 or version 6 you can do the timemachine backup also via Wifi, although normally you would prefer a LAN connection.

Last week review 35-2023And then there was an update to WordPress 6.3.1 this week, which was automatically updated for me again, because I have my settings like this and so far no incompatibilities could be found. WordPress 6.3.1 fixes minor bugs, including in the block editor of WordPress. Of course you can also start the update process manually.

For years I have been using the Notepad++ editor for texts under Windows. The program is small, he can multiple tabs and for scripts or also other applications kanmn the editor also syntax highlightning.

Last week review 35-2023

But now you can read that security vulnerabilities reported since April 2023 are not or not completely patched by the developer. Unfortunately, the article does not list the affected version of the editor, which could at least install malicious code when opening a crafted file. This is because an update to version 8.5.6 was released a few days ago. Otherwise, as always, exercise appropriate caution when opening files from untrusted sources.

All in all, another very eventful week. I hope you enjoy the articles and look forward to your questions and comments.

ciao tuxoche

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