Photoshop CC with new selection tool

Yesterday Adobe released a new Photoshop CC version, which mainly offers a new selection tool.

Photoshop CC with new selection toolAdobe surprised with the publication of  Adobe Photoshop CC which brings the app to version 19.1. Besides the newly implemented support of high resolution monitors with or 4 or even 5K resolution there is a new selection tool implemented which should find and mark the main subject in an image with the help of Adobe Sensei automatically.

I can’t add anything to the new feature with the high resolution monitors because i still use my Dell U2711 and therefor don’t have to bother with already discussed problems  when the system is connected to a 4K monitor.

Adobe implemented a new selection tool in tghe new Photoshop CC version 19.1 which is supposed to recognize the main subject in an image. In the sneak preview video from Adobe the feature works out pretty good, but the demonstration uses mainyl images with persons or groups of persons. But even with these main subjects the new tool fails or marks areas which don’t belong to the main subject.

Photoshop CC with new selection tool

I tried out the new feature with different images and not the typical person subject and did a little video about it:

As you can see with a persons or groups the new tool works pretty accurate.

Photoshop CC with new selection tool

With these main subjects the automatic selection tool marks or leaves out areas of the subject. With landscape images the tool is sometimes not able to detect a main subject. Another problem are areas belonging to the subject which are not in focus, they are often missed by the selecttion tool.

Photoshop CC with new selection tool

The new function  is a support for the user at the most, which offers a selection more or less usable for a masking. Adobe Sensei has to be improved in the next versions of Photoshop 😉 or the function is limited to persons as a main subject.

What do you think or is the new support for high resolution monitor more important to you. Just leave me a comment  😉

ciao tuxoche


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