Last week review 19-2016

Last week review 19-2016 and this time the weather was very fine and we could enjoy our free days  😉

Last week review 19-2016In this weeks article i took a look at the manageing software Daminion 4.5 , which i posted on a long time ago. The software is available as a stand alone and a server version and for Windows only. The stand alone version is available in the 3 different configurations, which only differ in the maximum of manageable images.  The smallest version allows 15.000 images only, but is free of charge and therefor very suitable for testing purposes.

And the software manages not only images, because Daminion supports over 200 different file formats, from images over video to office documents. Version 4.5 allows to link different items, like the images you used for lets say a flyer and the PDF version of the flyer itsself.

Besides this the stand alone version offers no improvements. The servers version offers web-access and other features only reasonable in a server environment. But keep in mind that you’ll a RAW converter of your choice on top of it.

Last week review 19-2016Talking about RAW converters do you remember Bibble. The company was bought by Corel and after this there was no further development. This week Corel announced the availability of After Shot Pro 3. Corel claims to be 4x times faster as Lightroom batch exporting RAW to JPEG. And Corel provides a comparim list on their page giving reasons why Aftershot  Pro 3 is the better choice.

But there are discussions on the web that newer cameras are not supported so far and that Corel didn’t provide any service to support newer cameras in the past. But since there is a test version available i might take a look at the new version.

Besides this the week was kind of calm, so we had time to take pictures again, which wasn’t bad at all.

Again an interesting week and i hope you liked this and the other articles. I’m hopeing on your comments and your questions.

ciao tuxoche


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