Last week review 08/2015

Post update on 14.Aug.2016

Last week review 08/2015 and the carnival days are over and they were accompanied by pretty good weather.. at least for this time of the year.

Last week review 08/2015In this weeks [post id=805]article[/post] we took a look on Lightroom catalog, this time with the special situation to have one catalog available on 2 or more devices. This usually would be a desktop pc and  a laptop.

There is a challenge to it, because the Lightroom database doesn’t support a network and concurrent access to the database. This means the synchronisation of the Lightroom database to allow local access.

The fastest was is to do snychronize the database via a local network, in this environment it only takes a couple of seconds to make the Lightroom database available to a another local client. Using cloud services like Dropbox or Google+ to do this job takes too much time, even with a pretty fast internet connection. . Either you don’t use this option or reduce the catalog sze.

Last week review 08/2015There were a lot of rumors this week about the upcoming Lightroom 6 version, which is supposed to be published in march. Another rumor posted that an online dealer from France posted the avilibilty on 9th of march (and here price of 130,– € is mentioned for pre orders). According to those leaks the new Lightroom version is capable on processing HDR and panorama images without any help of plugins or Photoshop.

Til now Adobe released a RC candidate before finishing the next version, trieing to get most of the bugs fixed in the final release. With a very short RC period for Lightroom 5 Adobe gathered a lot of critisim, because a  lot of errors were not fixed in the final version. And there is another question to ask, will there be DVD version available for Lightroom 6 or is Adobe going to complete the subscription modell. Taken the rumors as a fact there will be a regular non cloud version, but we have to wait and see.

Last week review 08/2015WordPress published an update to version 4.1.1 this week, but for the first time there were problems updting my blogs. Giving the credentials for FTP you’ll get an almost blank screen. The problem is known to wordpress, so i delayed the update of my blogs.

I hope that some of the articles on this blog gained your interests and i look ahead to your comments/suggestions. And don’t forget, i installed a feed for you via feedburner . And next week we’ll take a look on a fun lens.

ciao tuxoche

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